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Solar Farms

Promfin Foundation finance and provide investment for developments of solar energy projects across the Europe and many areas worldwide. Funding alternative developments of solar power projects passed into a main domain of present environmental challenges. Along with the current expansion and the estimated future evolution of this green resource the capitalization of these undertakings became a large and rising market.

There are other important factors that address this source and this is the fact that to generate solar electricity is not needed fuel. This facilitates to lower the facilities operation expenses since there are no acquisition and transportation costs, or environmental problems resulting from power generation from fuels. The general financial outlook of these facilities is fantastic. It will be demanded that this financial need to be matched in the present and into the uncertain future. We are here with our expertise and professionalism to assist obtaining your financing needs for the alternative energy projects.

FINANCE PLAN OPTIONS – We are able to ensure up to 100% to finance development projects using all debt for those that will be qualified. And you hold all equity and also the tax benefits! Other variants comprise 100% funding for projects with solar energy using a conjunction of debt and equity. The correlation of debt to equity can be different according to the business type. Significant elements of gaining capital include the Acquisition or Power Purchase Agreements.

In addition Engineering&Procurement&Construction and Operations&Management contracts may be crucial for the successful applying for financing. Terms are always advantageous to winning among sponsors and creditor- depositors. Payment grace periods and/or interest ensure with a lot of time to grow the profit and achieve the settling of cash flow. We focus on projects that are at “closer to realization” stage. Promfin Foundation do not grant start-up funds for very early stages or/and “seed money”.

For a preliminary financing qualification of your solar power project, click here.


Phone: +1 917 33 69 204



Horsfords Business Centre, Charlestown, Nevis