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Sustainable Landfills Development

Promfin Foundation finance development projects of sustainable landfills which concern development of semi-aerated landfill sites with proven long-term sustainability. This is an alternative and sustainable source because waste is all the time in excess and could not be exhausted so far the humans live on Earth and it is an accessible, reliable, alternative source of power.


At Promfin Foundation, the financing projects options for MSW sustainable landfill developments comprise funding technologies that can involve debt and/or equity injection. We are able to ensure up to 100% debt capitalization which is accessible for appropriate business types. Other variants can comprise up to 100% loan to cost/value by using debt in conjunction with equity infusion. A typical correlation of debt to equity can be 90% / 10% but may differ according to the business type. The first important project demands for financing sustainable landfill development is clearly to obtain the land. It is not so terrifying if you empower this challenge to be solved by the appropriate professional consultant.

The developing of landfill may be accomplished with 100% debt and/or equity as previously mentioned having a seriously prepared business plan. This signifies minimal investment demands from the financiers and developers. On the programs with 100% debt only, payment grace periods for up to about 3 years admit your cash flow settling before servicing the debt is demanded. Some creditor/depositors don’t claim the securitization or mortgage of physical assets for loan destinations. The programs with 100% debt permit to the sponsors to hold all of the equity among themselves. The tax credits are actually held down by the financiers on these programs. The schedules of payment amortization reaching 20 years allow a settled cash flow.

Developing such kind of projects showed that utilization of semi-aerobic process in the form of remediation tool reduce the hazards and risks which were typically determined in anaerobic waste milieu (great pathogen mortality and lower methane). Therefore, in waste milieu where in the past the excavation could be dangerous, semi-aerobic landfill projects can be held to permit waste mining after their degradation.

In these projects into the waste is injected air and leachate through vertical wells, in this case the speed of biodegradation rises by 50%, leachate BOD decrease by 65%, methane production drops by 90% and Non-Methane Organic Compound levels decrease by 75%. The tests proved that MSW degrades at an essentially faster rate under semi-aerobic than anaerobic conditions, are lower the volume and concentration of the leachate and decrease the amount of generated methane.

Also after excavations the collected samples from waste show that the largest fraction (over 40%) presents a suitable soil/compost with satisfactory humidity (25%). The resulting compost has few odors and is biologically steady. More than 30% of the remaining materials are plastic products, metals and glass, with inert materials as the balance. The materials containing Lignin (e.g. wood and paper) decay somewhat. The analysis from the laboratory indicates that soluble salts, metals and pH are within secure ranges, and in the materials there are not detected pathogens.

The fast waste degradation process available in these landfills, allow the operators to reduce risks, to decrease post-closure maintenance, to recuperate airspace, and to perform more benefits in comparable small period of time than naturally. After waste mining and materials recovery, the landfill can be operated 30 years more. 
The anticipated advantages at this kind of sites comprise:

  • Allowing fulfilling of waste management regulations for the previously non-compliant sites.
  • Recuperation of landfill airspace.
  • Elimination of a source of leachate and landfill gas production.
  • Regenerating soils from excavated areas for local reuse and previously rejected materials recycling.
We at Promfin Foundation provide the necessary financing to sustainable landfill development so that we can reap the otherwise lost in vain organic resource after treatment to be used as compost. From wood and paper, food waste or garden waste, the remnants still contain a component of cellulose, a sugar in organics that links with the lignin to provide the structure. The microorganisms living in the landfills decompose this cellulose into methane gas, which in the end rises to the exterior and the atmosphere. Methane is an influential greenhouse gas that effects negatively our environment.

In modern society the average European citizen discard about 2 kg of waste every day. We are producing more and more waste that goes to landfills. The compactly populated cities have no enough space for new landfill sites to store all this waste. These sites would have maximum benefit from the power production as this source of fuel is accessible and sustainable in large and continuous basis. With the sustainable landfills the environmental contamination is noticeably reduced. In 500 kg of common waste, more than 400 kg can be used as fuel to generate electricity. In general, from 4 t of waste can be generated about 2 MWh of electricity which is sufficient to heat 200 apartments for one day. From 4 t of waste can be produced more than 1 to of biofuel.

For a preliminary financing qualification of your sustainable landfill project, click here.


Phone: +1 917 33 69 204



Horsfords Business Centre, Charlestown, Nevis